Friday 28 August 2020

Template property offer letter, Responding to a counter-offer, Coronavirus Pandemic 2020

Dear Estate Agent,

RE: XX Address of the property with the postcode.

Many thanks for the counteroffer on the named property. I understand that my initial offer is probably a little less than what you are hoping for, but I would like to explain how I reached this amount, and also confirm that I am proceedable with the purchase.

As you are probably aware, I live in this area and in fact, currently share the same undercover parking and access to communal areas with the named property.  Apart from being resident here with a sound knowledge of the management, I did some extensive research looking at the monthly cost of running the apartment.

As a leasehold flat, residents have had to deal with paying overpriced ground rent, inflated service charges with a grossly incompetent managing agent (which seem to change yearly)  with no interest whatsoever in keeping costs down.

Having been in contact with several lenders, it is a fact that house prices have been affected by the availability of mortgage lending. With many people coming out of lock-down with reduced finances and concerns about proceeding in a global economy where the full impact of Coronavirus is still uncertain.

I am sure you can understand that this would be factored into any offer you receive.

Nevertheless, I have decided to increase my initial offer by £XXXX, you will certainly agree that this is a significant jump and a sign of my willingness to purchase the property. the increment brings the total offer up to £XXXXXX

It is probably worth mentioning that as a first-time buyer, I am not in a chain, and can therefore complete the process as quickly.

Thank you for your consideration of my offer and I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


This could be sent as an email which automatically has a date on it.

Offer Letter for a property, First offer, template letter


Dear Estate Agent,


RE: XX Name of Property with Postcode


As discussed earlier with you on the phone, I would like to make an offer of £XXX, XXX in respect of the above property, subject to contract.

As you are aware, property prices have fallen substantially in recent months with the increasing financial uncertainties and as such most lenders are only able to work with a minimum of 25% deposit, making it particularly difficult for first-time buyers with no chains.

I have an agreement in principle in place for this amount and with confirmation that this is acceptable to the vendor, I shall confirm the name and address of my solicitors.

I very much hope that my offer will be accepted and look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely​


This could be sent as an email which automatically has a date on it.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

When The Doctor Becomes The Patient, Absolute Nerve Wrecker!!


Date: 21/12/2017
Subject title: An Absolutely Nerve-Wrecking Situation

What happened?:

My most recent duty in the emergency department was a week ago on Friday night. While bent low doing surgical stitching and closure to a deep knife stab wound on the palm of a patient, I felt a bit woozy, needed to have some water as the night had been busy and I have been on my feet for at least the last 8 hours without a break. I managed to make it till the last stitch and closed the wound. Then went to prescribe some prophylactic antibiotics for the patient, standing was difficult so I quickly leaned on a table, wrote the prescription and handed to the nurse. I then went to have a quick glass of water, though it felt better after that and was able to provide the required services for the rest of the night.  After work,  walked down to the car park quite eager to get into my car and drive home, to my surprise, the car would not start. It had snowed so guessed the engine has had its share of the frost, left the car there and had my husband pick me up.

The next day, Saturday, I had a further episode of vertigo and this time with the loss of balance, it was a near fall, luckily I was saved from hitting my head on the floor, ended up in the emergency department, seeing the surprised/disappointed look on my colleagues (they were thinking...better don't go off sick...we need you here..😁).  In ED, the choices were between, possible Menière disease or even BPPV, home on Stemetil.

Later that day it became clear to me that my right ear had become deaf, I wasn't hearing anything at all with the ear, it was also clear I had tinnitus. At this point though didn't think it was tinnitus, but just a constant buzzing sound coming from the inside of my head, (wasn't hallucinating!). In my attempt to play it down and give it a name, I said it was Labyrinthitis and carried on with Stemetil and Cinnarizine.

What, if anything, happened  subsequently?:
on the 5th day, a Wednesday, the symptoms were progressing which seemed unusual, and thought I'd better ring my GP to at least get a confirmation that it was indeed Labyrinthitis (how callous). It was booked as a telephone consultation for advise but he insisted I come in which I did. After his initial examination, he called ENT(Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialists) who booked me in the next day emergency clinic. At this point, the fear sets in. Fear of the unknown, hardly able to sleep, mind filled with worry. Could this be a worst-case scenario? The symptoms were still there so from another perspective, it was reassuring to be seen by specialists.

The next morning I was on the ENT ward, first seen by a foundation year doctor, then a Senior House Officer,  then a Registrar, and to crown it finally, by the entire clinical team (No, not a VIP treatment......the senior seized the opportunity to do a short teaching session). Now I know how patients feel about that.  Apart from the exhaustion from having to repeat the story about 5++++ times, it was welcomed actually because it meant (a) I am very well examined, (b) I learnt a whole lot of new ideas and techs. A Win-Win 👍.
In conclusion, they could not put a name on it but I was started on a high dose steroid treatment and booked in for an MRI head. 

What did you learn?:

Just as in different aspects of life, there is usually more than one side to a ball (we all live in our own little bubbles completely oblivious to what goes on in the other bubbles). So far I have been in a particular bubble when it comes to assessing the health care system, the provider's. The other side is a sort of alien experience. As a patient, I felt vulnerable, helpless, afraid of the unknown, exhausted by the symptoms, sometimes confused after telling the same story a zillion times.

There was a huge uncertainty looming around, it just wasn't the best place to be. At some point at the early stage, I even felt I was being a burden, uhrrr! hate to be a burden!
But on the other hand, the undivided patient attention I received from my GP was priceless( possibly because his wife is my colleague), even though he clearly said he wasn't sure what it was and had to refer me, the consultation itself was therapeutic. I felt better after seeing him. The saying that doctors are the best medicine is indeed true in some cases but that, I would change to "good doctors are the best medicine"

This is a completely new experience for me. I am experiencing first hand, the impact our approach and actions as doctors could have in building trust and improving management outcome in patients. Trust is everything. It is often easy to let oneself get carried away especially when the work pressure is skyrocketing, sometimes its more of a reflex reaction and we can't help letting it affect our interaction with patients. It is worth remembering though that every patient number/NHS number/bay number/room number/ appointment slots/alphabets on a handover list, is a vulnerable individual with mind and body. It takes a good doctor to recognise and appreciate the fact that those patients are not aware of the pressure you are facing, they don't know that you haven't had a drink of water the whole day or that you haven't managed to grab a quick lunch. All they are engulfed with is their suffering which is often debilitating and these to them should be our 1st priority ever! More important than your missed lunch (and you dare not argue that as a doctor.....o.k....).

Fitness to practise should be in every doctor's mind notwithstanding but when I am in my role as a health care provider, that is all my patient knows and I should always acknowledge that.

I will be updating on the outcome of the investigations and my experience as a patient.


Bewerbung, Doktorarbeitesstelle/ Medizin (German)

Sehr geehrter Prof Dr. med Mediziner,

Durch die Homepage des Universitätsklinikums bin ich auf ihr Forschungsthema aufmerksam geworden. Da ich mich sehr in der Kardiologie weiterbilden möchte, strebe ich eine Doktorarbeit in dieser Fachrichtung an.

Durch meine Experimentelle Bachelorarbeit in Biologie und mein Praktisches Jahr bzw. Famulatur habe ich zahlreiche Erfahrungen im  Bereich Kardiologie sammeln können. Ich habe soeben das schriftliche 2. Staatsexamen absolviert und würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie mir mitteilen würden ob eine Stelle derzeit frei ist.

Das mündliche Examen werde ich am 21\22 Juni 2012 ablegen, sodass ich sehr gerne ab dem Winter Semester 2012 mit der Doktorarbeit beginnen möchte. Ein früherer Beginn wäre jedoch durchaus möglich.

Vielen Dank in Voraus für eine positive Antwort.

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,
Muster Frau

Bewerbung als Lager-/Produktionsmitarbeiter (German)


BWT Muster Werkstatt GmbH
Industriestraße .1
69198 Stadt

Bewerbung  als  Lager-/Produktionsmitarbeiter

Sehr geehrte Frau Chefin, 

Durch Herrn  Nett, habe ich erfahren, dass sie eine Mitarbeiter in den Lager-/Produktionsberreich suchen. Mit diesem Schreiben bewerbe ich mich mit großer Interesse für die Stelle.

Wie  sie wissen,  bin ich schon seit circa ein halbes Jahr bei ihren Firma über die Zeitarbeitsfirma  in den  Produktions- und Lagerberreich tätig. Die Arbeit bei Ihnen ist für mich sehr angenehmen und efahrungsvoll.
Meine  teamorientierte  Arbeitsweise, Flexibilität, Belastbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit sowie schnelle Auffassungsgabe, habe ich in diese Zeit beweisen können, die es mir erlaubt hat mich in die kurzester Zeit in alle Aufgabenbereiche  gut einzuarbeiten. 
 Ich bin  mir sicher, dass ich den fachlich gewünschten Anforderungen, die an mich gestellt werden, weiterhin gut durchführen kann.

Sie gewinnen einen loyalen und vielseitig einsetzbaren Mitarbeiter mit dem Wunsch, sich auch auf neue Herausforderungen einzustellen.

Ich freue mich, wenn ich mit meiner Bewerbung Ihr  Interesse geweckt habe und stehe Ihnen für ein persönliches  Vorstellungsgespräch  jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Name Nachname

Anlage : Lebenslauf


Kündigungsbrief Arbeitsvertrag (German)


Name Nachname
Manstr. 2.
60065 Stadt

Firma GmbH
O 7, 16
60061 Stadt 

Sehr geehrter Herr Chef, 

Kündigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses vom 05.05 2019  

hiermit kündige ich das mit Ihnen bestehende Arbeitsverhältnis vom 05.05.2019 fristgerecht zum 31. 12. 2019.
Bitte bestätigen Sie mir den Erhalt dieser Kündigung und das Aufhebungsdatum des Arbeitsvertrages schriftlich.
Für die Zusammenarbeit bedanke ich mich recht herzlich.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Name Nachname


CV template


This is an example of how to write a simple, straight-to-the-point CV. This CV got me my first job as a Senior House Officer in a British hospital as a non-British trained doctor. Try to put yourself in a position of a recruiter or employer with a big hip of papers in front of you, and you had to go through them and filter through, in the least possible time.
what would you do?


Names Surname
Born on 27.06.2009
Nationality:   Country
GMC Reg. No.: 0000000

498 your Address
C0005L, Essex
0740000000/ 010000000

I am a highly motivated, disciplined, and confident German physician with GMC full registration and license. With extensive experience in hospital, clinical, and research settings. I am known by my previous employers for my competence, broad understanding of basic and clinical medicine, critical thinking, problem-solving, exceptional professionalism, and interpersonal skill in working with a complete health care team. I am very enthusiastic about joining the NHS team in building a patient-oriented, stable, and solid hospital working environment.


  • London Hospital NHS; Cardiology department: Clinical Attachment SHO Grade
27. March 2014 - 10. April 2014

  • London Hospital NHS; Emergency Department: Clinical attachment SHO Grade.
13. April 2014 - 26. April 2014

  • Better Hospital Heidelberg, Germany; Department of internal and acute medicine: 
Resident doctor 
    Sep. 2012 - Aug 2014 
    In this post I was fully responsible for an average of 18-20 Patients/ day including 4 Isolation rooms. Patients with advanced, complex, acute and chronic diseases including Acute Coronary Syndromes, Stroke, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure, COPD, Pneumonia, Acute and/on Chronic Kidney Diseases, Acid-base disturbance, Ascites, Gastrointestinal bleeding, Anaemia, Syncope, Acute mental status change/Delirium, Dementia, etc. Both Inpatient as well as Ambulatory patients.

    My daily duties included making daily ward rounds; obtaining and maintaining an efficient patient's record; performing and recording a complete physical examination with History; making appropriate use and interpretation of laboratory tests; performing and reading ECGs and Ultrasonography as well assisting in minimally invasive procedures like Gastroscopy, OGD and Colonoscopy; reading and identifying normal and abnormal radiographs, CTs and MRTs (Pulmonary infiltrates, Oedema, Effusion, Tumours, etc).

    working closely with the consultants as well as other members of the health care team; communicating with other health care providers, social and community health workers outside the hospital; ensuring proper follow up for acute and chronic conditions; managing patient contact between visits, and making sub-specialty referrals.

    • University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany; Department of Cardiology, Angiology, and Pneumonology: Resident Doctor/Clinical research fellow
    July 2011 - Sep 2013 
    Supplementary to my role as a resident doctor, I was also a doctoral research candidate at the University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany, Department of Cardiology, Angiology, and Pneumonology.
    During my doctoral research, I acquired countless laboratory experimental skills in Cell Biology, Functional Genomics, Molecular Biology, Proteomics, and animal testing including PCR Amplification, Antibody biology, Transfection, Electrophoresis and Blotting, Cell Imaging, Cell Culture, and Counting, Liquid Handling & Pipetting, Nucleic Acid Extraction & Purification, Protein Sample Preparation, Protein Interaction Analysis, and Sample Quantitation among others.

    I was awarded a scholarship for my doctoral research project which was sponsored by the Deutsche the German Heart Association. An article was also published about the project in the American Heart Association journal, Circulation. A cropped copy of the article is attached below. The Thesis has been submitted to the faculty and I am currently awaiting the call for the award of doctor of medicine.

    • Medical Internships (Sure Hospital Heidelberg, Germany)
    Nov. 2011 – Feb. 2012:      Department of urology, paediatric urology and urological oncology
    July – October, 2011:          Department of general surgery
    March – July, 2011:             Department of internal medicine

    • Elective medical internships;                         2008 - 2010
    University of Heidelberg:                                          General Surgery
    Kurpfalz Klinik Heidelberg:                                      Internal Medicine
    Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder München :  Internal Medicine
    Marien hospital Stuttgart :                                         Emergency Department
    • Non medical Work Experience:   Biology teacher              
    Institute for Continuing Education Beijing China
    Sept. 2002 - Sept. 2004 


    • University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany; Department of Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumonology.
    Medical doctoral thesis (PhD)
    July 2012- 2014

    • Medical licence of practice obtained
    Registered member of the Landesärztekammer Baden- Württemberg Germany.
    July 2011

    • University of Heidelberg, Germany
    Human medicine 
    2005- 2011 

    • University of  Heidelberg, Germany
    German language higher certificate (DSH)
    September, 2005

    • Oxford university
    Bachelors of Science degrees in Biology
    1999 - 2002 


    Doctoral research scholarship for cardiology:  2012-2013


    English :        Excellent, verbal and written

    Spanish:       Excellent, verbal and written

    German:      Excellent, verbal and written

    French:       Excellent, verbal and written


    1) Prof. Dr. Who Ever
    University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany; Department of Cardiology, Angiology, and Pneumonology.

    2) Prof. Dr. Some Body
    Better Hospital Heidelberg, Germany; Department of internal and acute medicine.

    And finally, back up your CV with all the relevant documents including your academics or work-related certificates, publications, any special training, articles, just about everything to boost your chances.

    Remember you are trying to make an impression to stand out among so many others so do not try to be modest rather present your very best. 

    Good Luck!


    Wednesday 25 March 2015


    15 Ex Road
    CXX 3XX, City
    Essex, United Kingdom.
    14th March 2019

    British Embassy
    33, Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama
    Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

    Dear Madam / Sir,

    Application for a visitor’s visa: for Ms. Name and Surname; DOB: 02 January 1950; Passport No: A06000000613 

    I, Name conjointly with my husband Mr. Names are hereby inviting my sister-in-law, Ms. Name born on 0 000  at Where. We would love her to come to spend her vacation at our home in City.  Her annual vacation starts on 8th June 2016 till 7th July 2016, she would be spending about three weeks with us.

    Ms. Name is a registered Nurse/Midwife with permanent employment at somewhere University Teaching Hospital city.

    Both I and my husband are .......citizens living and working in the..... Attached are copies of our Identity Card/ Passport, Marriage Certificate, and our Mortgage Documents, as proof of our accommodation.

    Should you require any additional information regarding this request please do not hesitate to contact us on +44 1006 0000000 18.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Name Surname

    Monday 23 March 2015

    Recommendation letter for a Research candidate/Refrence Letter/Research assistant/ Doctoral Research Fellow

    Dear Mr New Employer

    It has been my privilege to supervise Dr E. since July 2012 till present through her doctoral research in medicine and guiding her with laboratory experiments necessary for her dissertation. She has been extremely valuable and efficient in the research project into the roles of ................ and has expertly pursued the completion of her Thesis on the subject.

    As a medical doctor with an aim to specialise in Cardiology, this cardiovascular research is particularly important to her and making dedicated time to succeed in the laboratory experiments was one of her top priorities. She was very enthusiastic and hardworking, Dr. E. is, in fact, the only one of my graduate students to have a first appearance in an article on the European perspectives published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, Circulation. Her project proposal was exceedingly well-written and she won a doctoral research scholarship from the well renowned Deutsche Herzstiftung to sponsor her doctoral research project.


    Dr. E prepared and gave presentations on her research and findings at the departmental and group meetings and was able to provide excellent responses to all questions from the audience members. I am confident that she would deliver compelling lectures to students and do a superb job of assisting them with lab work and research if it is required of her. She is passionate about her work and I am certain that her passion as well as her extensive knowledge will serve to motivate other aspiring students.

    With her multicultural background and fluent proficiency of English and German she was able to approach many scientific questions from different angles. During her work here, she always made many valuable contributions to group discussions. Finally, it should not be left unmentioned that Name is a very pleasant person to work with.

    To further answer your questions, Dr. E was and is not subject to any disciplinary investigation or any pending disciplinary action at any time and I can not recollect of her absence due to sickness or injury during her work with me.

    I am pleased to highly recommend Dr. E for the clinical position that is now open in your hospital. It would have been a great pleasure to continue to work with her in  subsequent research projects but she expressed her passion for clinical roles and showed her willingness to pursue her career goal as a cardiologist and I very much hope that your hospital judges her application favourably. I am available for questions or further discussions via the above Email.


    Prof. Dr. Ex Employer

    Recommendation Letter for a Resident Doctor/Recommendation for a Clinical Attachment

    Dear Mrs Employer,

    It is my pleasure to write in support of Dr House for a  clinical attachment in your hospital. As her former chief consultant, I urge you to accept her application.

    Dr House is very hardworking and confident, yet humble. She is well-liked by her peers. Her positive nature and attitude give delight to all the people working around her. During her employment with us, she worked collaboratively with her senior residents and fellows and was always cited as an able and obedient colleague by them and was well accepted by the nursing staff.

    She shows an excellent fund of knowledge and a willingness to learn while demonstrating a commitment to continuity and professionalism in caring for her patients who usually grew fond of her.
    She has worked as a resident at the House hospital,  in an acute internal medicine ward under my supervision from September 2013 to February 2019 after which she had to go for maternity leave and subsequently relocated with her family to the United Kingdom.

    Dr House was very dedicated and was never absent during her employment which makes me think that she has a solid work ethic and is indeed very committed and enthusiastic about her role in the hospital. 

    She was not subject to any disciplinary investigation or any pending disciplinary action at the time she left the hospital and we would be glad to reemploy her.

    In summary, I would strongly recommend her for the post in your hospital. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further insights into Dr. house's experience and character on my email address. My best wishes are always with her.

    Kind regards,

    Dr Ex Employer